Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do Something Different

Living room furniture in the kitchen, a BOLD back splash and a door turned headboards. All kinds of clever people with GREAT design ideas ! Look at your things in a new way!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pottery Barn Christmas 2009 Preview

Yes yes, I know its not even October yet, but Pottery Barn has put up its holiday 2009 preview. They have some beautiful things and the picture of the living room above is very comfy and rustic. Click on the title of this post to take you to the Pottery Barn web site.

Mixing Patterns

I love a nice mix of patterns on a bed. I think it ads a nice focal point to a bedroom. Some people prefer a bed room very serene, thus wanting no patterns. I like both styles I suppose depending on my mood. I've seen some crazy stuff mixed together and thought, I shouldn't like this but I do ! Whats your preference?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Window Cheats

Ok, so these rooms are not particularly small, but I think it shows how the more natural light you have in a room the bigger it feels. I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a huge window or sliding door, but if you can put seating or a table near a window, DO IT !! My own kitchen is only about 10 x 12 but I have a sliding door that leads to a screened in porch. That visually makes my kitchen feel A LOT bigger. Move some furniture tonight, place a comfy reading chair by a window !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just Enough Kitchen Space

Some say the kitchen is the heart of the home. Maybe the heart is the size of your dog, but hey its not about size right? Know what you need in your kitchen and organize so things are as close to where you use them as possible !

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Which dining space would you choose ?


Take out practical and choose just on style...for fun : ) Vote over on the right hand side of blog. Thanks !

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bold Colors

I just loved vibrant pops of color with a white backdrop. The good thing is, if you get bored with lime green, you can change it !

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Get Outside !!!

As the days get shorter where I live, I keep looking around outside and taking it all in. Enjoy your last days of summer where ever you are !