Monday, May 9, 2011

Docomo proxypixer trick

Do-co-mo 3G launched
Many States i just found
trick for docomo 3g
using proxifier with dive
in settings
access point ).Only load
the setting given in
attachment on page 2 in
proxifier.The simple
condition for using 3g
for free is that u should
not hav any gprs pack
active on ur no. ,balance
should b atleast 1 rs. & u
must b in 3g netwrk.The
same condition also valid
for handler trick in
mobile,using http &
putting the usual server
( with
dive in settings.
Procedure step by step
You should nt hav any
gprs pack active on ur
num,this is must
condition 4 getting 3g
1)Install the proxifier
added on attachment
2)load any of six setting
in proxifier by double
clickin on tht prx file,file
in same attchment.
3)connect ur phone with apn
4)open any browser &
For Mobile users.
1)install any handler app.
on ur phone.
2)download attachment
on page 3,follow the ss
for handler menu.
3)use default dive in
setting of docomo.

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