Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sundays are empty without reviews to do...

As most of you know, I review a fair amount of games each month. On average I will usually have one game a week to play through and evaluate in 800 words. The last game I reviewed however was nearly two months ago, namely DiRT 3.

When at University, those weeks where I do have more than 1 game at any one time, I find it difficult to fit them all into weekdays. This leaves me Sunday to sit myself down with the UK Chart playing in the backround and tackle a review. This fast became routine over my first year in University, and so the last few Sundays have felt incredibly empty. The lack of reviews in the last few weeks obviously fuelled me to do all of my recent blog posts, filling my time writing endless lists aimed to please myself more than anyone else.

I had a set time frame, the 3 hours that the chart is on for to get my review ready for publication, along with the fact that clearing up my work for the previous week always made readyf or the oncoming one. It's proven itself nearly as helpful as writing reviews on a train, which as proven here is my best place to write.

Luckily this recent trend is coming to an end, my next game should be arriving in the week, though I do feel guilty for not filling those empty Sundays with something more productive.

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