Thursday, August 18, 2011

I Love Chocolate

Hello guys, new day new post ! I know I don´t post everyday because I don´t have enough time to sit at my desk. I promise you guys I´ll change this ! so from now on I gonna post everyday !

I want to thank to everybody who write me e-mails ! I´m so happy about that ! I´m so happy that you people love my style and my little work on this blog !

Yesterday I get an e-mail from the beautiful Nicka Campbell. She asked me if I want to be feauture on her new blog called Black Fashion Bloggers. You can read the little interview by clicking here.

Thank you so much Nicka bisous bisous

Summer is almost coming back in germany and I´m enjoying it so much !!  Life´s better with sunshine, when I think about winter coming soon I want to emigrate !

so I wore a skirt and a top, take a look and have a good day


Click here for more pictures >>

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