Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Top 10 Singles - #9

Crazy In Love (Feat. Jay-Z) - Beyoncé - Dangerously In Love - 2003

A song that needs no introduction, Crazy In Love is the highlight of Queen B's long career. The brassy smash of an opening immediately grabs the listeners ear, and only improves as the song continues. The 'Oh Oh' dance hook went on to become a staple of not just Beyoncé, but every RnB Diva to follow. It's sassy, explosive, infectious and incredibly danceable, proved by B herself in the incredible video. Even hubby to be Jay-Z delivers one of the best Middle 8 raps of his career. Crazy In Love set the genre standard and few have bettered Beyoncé's classic.

UK Chart Position - 1
Best Lyric - 'You Ready?'

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